Production for Showtime's Penny Dreadful covered a lot of ground this week, transitioning from a snowy cemetery on Wednesday to the elegant streets of "London" on Thursday.

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Of course, the program isn't really in London. As with Season 1, Showtime is filming the drama's second season in Dublin and on Thursday producer Christopher King offered a glimpse of a little slice of London they'd created.

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Director James Hawes suggested the Covent Garden scene could be the location for an important conversation amongst characters, teasing a possible lead sitting at one of the restaurant tables.

This week marked the beginning of outdoor filming for the show's second season, but on Friday production is scheduled to take a much darker turn. Hawes teased that they will beginning underground filming, which is not easy work, and joked about his coping skills.

Penny Dreadful returns to Showtime for its second, longer season in 2015.