Supernatural's Dean needs to feed the Mark of Cain or risk becoming even more demonic, but the elder Winchester doesn't want any part of it.

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Whether it's Dean's (Jensen Ackles) twisted humanity fighting to overtake his demonic qualities or just a stubborn strain, something in Demon Dean will cause him to butt heads with Crowley (Mark Sheppard) when the King of Hell presses him to make his next kill during "Reichenbach."

"Crowley is saying, 'I'm keeping you sharp by giving you demons to kill and that is sating the Mark because the Mark needs to be sated, and if you don't sate the Mark, then the Mark eventually takes you over even more,'" explained executive producer Jeremy Carver, according to Entertainment Weekly. "So [Dean's] on this knife's edge of yes, the Mark has already turned Dean into a demon, so if you don't sort of feed the beast, the Mark will potentially take you over even more."

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Find out if Dean will give into his hellish urges or if he will fight the Mark when Supernatural airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on The CW.