While the original trilogy and new series have been focused on characters like Charles Xavier, Magneto, Mystique, and Beast, the cast moving forward could look very different as the series shifts its focus to a new set of mutants.

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There isn't any word that these characters will be leaving, but it would seem likely that after three movies, they may take a break from playing the role as James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen and Nicholas Hoult are busy people.

But who is next for the X-Men? Some of them we have seen and others we haven't as the new class of mutants that we will be following for the next couple of years are: Gambit, Cable, Deadpool, Quicksilver, and the younger versions of Cyclops, Storm, and Jean Grey.

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This makes sense as the First Class crew is probably happy to take some time away from the characters, and outside of Hugh Jackman, there doesn't seem to be any plans for the original trilogy cast either. Most of these characters have their own movies already, but Apocalypse will also help introduce them and make them the new class.

Gambit is set to be played by Channing Tatum as recent news came out that Fox was prepping for a feature film with the character and actor linked. There are rumors that he could appear in Apocalypse to introduce him in the universe also. But he won't be the only one doing that.

Cable is another character that could be re-branded into the "next Wolverine." Not because he would be as popular as Jackman's character, but he could be the character in everything that would be able to tie the series together moving forward.

Quicksilver became an instant fan favorite after his appearance in Days of Future Past and he could be leading the X-Men television series that would tie the world into the TV universe. Deadpool is another character getting his own movie and could move into other stuff afterwards.

The younger character will be introduced in Apocalypse and depending on fan reaction could become the new First Class as they dig into the origins of these known characters.