Things are about to get pretty eerie on Degrassi when Maya has a horrific dream about Miles and a terrible fate.

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On Friday, Teen Nick posted a sneak peek of the next episode where Maya walks into the school hallway where she sees Miles on top of the balcony. What's scary about this is that the rail is behind him and he's holding on, looking like he's going to fall- or jump.

Maya just calls his name and looks confused on what's happening. The music starts to slowly develop along with slow motion, giving the impression that this is probably just a nightmare. But it's still frightening considering that Maya looks sincerely worried for Miles who just hangs there with his eyes closed, barely moving.

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Maya then screams his name and tells him to stop when he lets go of the rail and falls to the floor- but before he lands, Maya wakes up in class screaming. This scares everyone around her and she's left looking pretty spooked.

The bell rings and Maya tried to make her way out when the teacher offers to talk to her. But Maya tries to cover it up by saying that she was dreaming about algebra.

What does this dream mean for the show? Considering that Degrassi has a history of not being afraid to let the worst happen to its characters, does that mean something serious is about to happen to Miles? The kind that might resolve in death?

Degrassi airs on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on Teen Nick.