Showtime has only released one image so far from the upcoming second season of Penny Dreadful, but the cast and crew have revealed plenty of behind-the-scenes action over the last four months.

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Looking back, here are the most telling images released from the Dublin set so far.


In August producer Christopher King shared a photograph which revealed a few dozen prop skulls getting prepped on set. While such an image is not necessarily surprising for the Victorian supernatural drama, it does confirm that the new season will be packed with some dark dealings.

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By September King posted a pic on Twitter showing some sort of torture contraption, complete with wrist restraints and covered in spikes. It's uncertain whether this chair is designed for the capture of monsters or the show's leads. Regardless, as King noted, the item is sure to leave a mark.

The Cemetery

Both King and director James Hawes shared numerous images of a cemetery on Twitter in September. King even noted that the location was not a designed set, but rather a real-life cemetery. The crew covered the location in fake snow to prep for filming, and while this could be a place visited by the leads Hawes did tease that the place could mean death for one of the show's beloved characters.


While the show's first season primarily confined itself to London, King revealed in October that the series will be heading out into the unknown, literally, as the program continues.


King boasted a "medieval" day on set in October when he showed off a wall of impressive weaponry, indicating that the season could be getting a little more creative with the fight sequences. This was later backed up by images of stunt rehearsals on set.


Blood, Blood, & More Blood

It looks like season 2 intends to be just as gory, if not more so than the program's premiere. Both Hawes and King have teased the excessive use of fake blood on set, which could mean trouble for some of the show's most beloved stars.

Based on everything King and Hawes have confirmed, it looks like the series will be striving to be bigger, bolder, and even more disturbing than ever before.

Penny Dreadful will return on Showtime for a second season in 2015.