The Originals midseason finale shared a few sweet moments on The CW this month, trading in carnage and bloodshed for a cute, cuddly baby Mikaelson.

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"It's something I loved to shoot. It was really special," said actress Claire Holt (Rebekah) during a recent interview with Access Hollywood of the rare and beautiful scenes she shared with Daniel Gillies (Elijah), Joseph Morgan (Klaus), Phoebe Tonkin (Hayley), and the baby on The Vampire Diaries spin-off.

"I think it's the closest we've been for a while to being a family," agreed Morgan of the Mikaelson clan's brief but surprisingly peaceful reunion.  

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The episode also gave fans some time to watch Klaus adapt to fatherhood, which is something that doesn't come easily to the impulsive hybrid.

"He's still getting to grips with it, I think," noted Morgan. "It's potentially the easiest it'll ever be because she can't speak yet. She's [Hope] this kind of delicate, beautiful little thing that he's created and his world is blood and violence and war and so it's very new for him and it's a place he doesn't rest easy."

As for working with a baby on set, Morgan found the change to be rather amusing. "You can do kind of what you want because the baby's gonna do what they want, so like if the baby tries to reach up and touch my face, I'm not gonna [say], 'Not now. We're not doing that.' You react to it because you're trying to create these magic moments that are spontaneous so, yeah, it's really refreshing… you improvise a little and you try and create these moments, so yeah, it's nice."

Now that Rebekah has swapped bodies, it's uncertain who will be looking after Hope. It could mean even more scenes with the child or perhaps Elijah, Hayley or Klaus will be forced to hide away with the baby for a time, affording one of them even less screen time than usual.

The Originals returns on The CW to continue with its second season Monday, Jan. 19 at 8 p.m. ET/PT.