The Blacklist's Red and Liz have a new goal for the second half of season 2 - uncovering the truth behind the Fulcrum.

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Mentioned by Fitch before his death in "The Decembrist," the Fulcrum is a new unknown in the mystery-infused NBC drama. Either a who or a what, little is known about the Fulcrum, but that shroud of confusion will be soon be lifted.

"You will hear about The Fulcrum in the Super Bowl episode," series creator Jon Bokenkamp informed TV Guide. "Red is assembling those clues and trying to figure what out Fitch was trying to warn him about. There's a ticking clock that underscores the back half of the season."

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The Feb. 1 episode will connect to its Feb. 5 follow up, "Luther Braxton" during which someone will uncover the truth about Fitch's hint.

"The episode is based solely around people trying to locate The Fulcrum," teased Spoiler TV. "Luther Braxton is one of these people, and uses some bizarre methods in order to uncover its whereabouts. Though not necessarily by Braxton, progress is made, and one character within the episode deduces exactly where it is."

Find out more when The Blacklist returns to NBC on Feb. 1. Click the video below to see a preview for the series' latest episode, "The Decembrist."