He came to her swearing he was finished with the girl he had cheated on her with and begged for another chance, but JJ"s (Casey Moss) attempts to win Paige (True O'Brien) back have so far been unsuccessful on Days of Our Lives.

JJ Asks Paige For Another Chance

In an attempt to keep Paige from realizing he had been with her mother, Eve (Kassie DePaiva), he created an elaborate scheme involving his old friend Roxy from Chicago, introducing her around Salem as his girlfriend. His mother, Jennifer (Melissa Reeves) saw right through the rouse and stumbled across the truth-and has since used it to blackmail Eve into not interfering with the teenagers' romance any longer.

However, despite Eve not technically interfering, Paige has seemed to make her mind up about JJ now, and has walked away every time he has tried to reconcile. However, after hearing him play the song he wrote for her at the University talent show, she started softening a bit more.

Jennifer Blackmails Eve

But, once backstage, she will see her mother approach JJ before she does, and after seeing them alone together, she may start to become suspicious of what now seems like a close relationship between them, after seeing them virtually at one another's throats in the past. While she may not put all the pieces together immediately, she could soon start to realize that Roxy was never JJ"s girlfriend, nor did the two ever sleep together.

And if Paige realizes her mother was the one who betrayed her by sleeping with her boyfriend, it could change things between her and Eve-and her and JJ as well-forever.

Days of Our Lives airs Monday-Friday at 1 p.m. on NBC.