One of the characters on ABC's Once Upon a Time knows who The Author (Patrick Fischler) is, but they are lying about not knowing him.

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The Author made his debut appearance on the latest episode of Once Upon a Time. Fischler, the actor who plays him, and OUAT co-creator Edward Kitsis spoke about the character in a new interview with Entertainment Weekly.

"We're not going to go too much into what [The Author] manipulated [in the past], because it's going to stay very much on the present of who's going to find him first: The heroes or the villains?" Fischler noted. "The search for him is a big deal. Everybody is just looking for him. I can't tell you who finds him, what happens and who gets their happy endings, but it's really, really good."

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Kitsis then dropped a big teaser, revealing that "someone knows him and is lying about it."

While it would stand to reason that Rumplestiltskin (Robert Carlyle) might know him, Kitsis said that this was not the case.

"You're used to all these backstories having Robert show up and offer them a deal, but we're changing it up." he teased. Fans should still expect the two characters to meet up, though.

"He and the Author have a lot of goals in common," said Fischler.

The actor also teased that The Author is someone who is used to getting what he wants and essentially goes wherever he can be "served."

Once Upon a Time airs Sundays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on ABC.

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