Orange Is the New Black star Laura Prepon talks how her character will feel lost in season 3.

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Prepon, who plays Alex Vause in the Netflix prison dramedy, spoke with The Hollywood Reporter recently as anticipation rises for the season 3 release on Friday.

Speaking on what Alex will be up to in the third season, Prepon talked how she is losing faith in herself. With Piper (Taylor Schilling) orchestrating Alex's return to prison at the end of season 2, Alex will be left confused as to how it all happened.

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"She doesn't know how she got back in, she doesn't know that Piper is the reason for it, and I think she just feels foolish and stupid," Prepon said. "Now that she had that freedom and it was taken away again, I think she just has lost faith in herself, has lost faith in her and Piper and is kind of a little hopeless."

While Alex will undoubtedly be angry once she learns that it was all Piper's doing, Prepon noted that the way she expresses herself will be unique to her relationship with her former lover.

"That's the thing that's so great about their relationship. It's tumultuous and manipulative, but they love each other," Prepon said. "Whenever either of them does these things to the other, I don't want to say they do it out of love, but it's grounded in this authentic love for each other. They both look for themselves at times, but it's like two magnets. They can't not be with each other."

This will surely be good news to fans of Piper and Alex, though it remains to be seen what will become of them.

Orange Is the New Black season 3 is set for release on Friday on Netflix.