Teen Wolf's Scott and Stiles have two things on their mind as they enter senior year - graduation and finding a way to keep the pack together.

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It won't be long before their two concerns turn into a mountain of problems, but while Beacon Hills is experiencing a modicum of peace, the teens can feel free to be teens.

"It's a huge, huge thing for Scott, senior year. Senior year for Scott is huge because high school is very much its own character in the show, it's big for Stiles and Scott," Tyler Posey (Scott) informed E! Online. "Stiles and Scott are really trying to keep the group together and they are talking about where they are going to go to college and planning where they are going to live...I think for Stiles and Scott, they just really want to keep the pack together."

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Lamentably, the pack - and their friendship - may splinter long before they hang the posters in their freshman dorms. The True Alpha and his eternally sarcastic BFF will but heads as season 5 progresses, throwing their unshakable bond into a tailspin.

Can Scott and Stiles (Dylan O'Brien) manage to keep it together as they face the Dread Doctors? Find out when Teen Wolf returns to MTV with a two-night premiere on June 29 and 30. Click the video below to see a preview for the summer season.

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