Mally Mall might have made his mistakes in this past when it comes to his on-again-off-again relationship with VH1’s Love & Hip Hop Hollywood cast member Nikki Mudarris, but he wants fans to know that their latest split wasn’t his fault.

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He told us Thursday via Twitter his side of what went down between the two and said “this time” they split because she was unfaithful. His message comes just a day after we reported that Mudarris trashed his home and caused roughly $30,000 worth of damage.

She even went on a Twitter rant during the aftermath of the incident was posted and went viral on the Internet. She urged her now ex-boyfriend to go take one of his other women out, sharing her thoughts that he cheated. But he made it clear on social media that that wasn't the case.

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Their relationship has been in the spotlight since Mudarris made her reality TV debut on Love & Hip Hop Hollywood last fall. The two were going strong until it came out that he was also dating Masika Kalysha. Still, even after that drama Mudarris and Mally went back and forth with their romance, much of it playing out on social media.

Mally filmed the fallout Mudarris’ actions and TMZ posted it earlier this week. The video revealed shattered glass as police escorted Mudarris from his home. It looks like Mally was behind the camera when he told her, “Thank you for breaking and destroying my house” before showing his witnesses on camera.