Actor Kevin Bacon is leading the charge for more male nudity in the world of films and television.

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Bacon stars in a hilarious new PSA where he advocates for an equal amount of male nudity as there is female nudity.

"In so many films and TV shows, we see gratuitous female nudity, and that's not okay," Bacon explains in the PSA, via Mashable. "Well, it's okay, but it's not fair to actresses, and it's not fair to actors, because we want to be naked too. Gentlemen, it's time to free the bacon. And by bacon, of course, I mean your wiener, your balls and your butt."

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He goes on to list various film and TV shows that could use more male nudity, like Fifty Shades of Grey and HBO's Game of Thrones. He even offers himself up to appear nude in the fantasy series!

"C'mon, I'll play a naked wizard or something," he quips.

Bacon goes on to humorously explain that it's in his contract to appear nude in all of his movies, and suggests that there's no coincidence that his show The Following was cancelled, considering he never got to appear nude in it.

While the PSA was clearly intended for comedic purposes, Bacon does bring up an interesting issue facing Hollywood. The industry does showcase female nudity way more than male nudity as a whole. Whether that's due to a male dominated industry or something else entirely is a discussion for another day.

For now, watch Bacon's PSA and join the campaign to #FreetheBacon: