It appears that Jared Fogle won't have to spend quite as much time in prison as he was supposed to.

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On Tuesday, FOX 59 announced that the former Subway spokesman, who was sentenced to 15 plus years behind bars, has been transferred from Henderson, Kentucky to a facility in Oklahoma City. And while he was supposed to be let out of prison in approximately the year 2031, it looks like his sentence has been reduced.

His release date is now set for July 11, 2029.

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Fogle pleaded guilty to charges on traveling to have sex with minors and conspiracy to receive child pornography. When he was sentenced last month, he said what he did was "horrible."

"I have become independent on alcohol, pornography and prostitutes," he said in court. "Not a day will go by where I won't think of (the victims). I hope the restitution will help in their lives. It is my intent to learn from these experiences so that I never, ever do these things again. I take full responsibility for what I've done."

The site added that when Fogle gets released, he will have to register as a sex offender. He will also be monitored on electronic devices.

Fogle became a public figure when he appeared in commercials for the Subway restaurants after a drastic weight loss.

Former head of Fogle's Jared Foundation Russell Taylor, who allegedly was part of the scandal, was sentenced to 27 years in prison.