It's time for Captain America: Civil War fans to choose a side.

Iron Man (Robert Downey, Jr.) and the First Avenger (Chris Evans) will go head-to-head on May 6, and Marvel used it's Super Bowl air time to remind fans just how epic the showdown will be.

Following the ad, Marvel launched a twitter campaign for #TeamCap and #TeamIronMan. While the majority of fans weighed in for the titular star, Downey and Paul Bettany (Vision) made sure readers would remember that Iron Man brings the wit.

Those who are cheering for the Star Spangled Avenger, however, may be in for a shock. Anthony and Joe Russo have adapted the Civil War storyline from the comic of the same name, and when the original story ends, Steve Rogers winds up six feet under. The MCU is known for putting a new twist on old tales, but will they alter the story enough to save the supersoldier?