President Barack Obama was forced to take a motorcade from Jerusalem to Bethlehem on Friday when his helicopter was grounded on Friday because of strong winds, MSN reported

The wind blew clouds of dust that would force the President to travel through Israel's barrier in the occupied West Bank, according to Israel security sources.

While in Bethlehem, Obama will tour the Church of the Nativity, the traditional site of Jesus' birth, and then will head to Tel Aviv via motorcade. From there, he will fly on Air Force One to Jordan.

The New York Post reported Friday that "biting winds" made it unsafe for Obama to fly to Bethlehem in a helicopter.

"Obama's motorcade - which topped 30 cars when it wound through Jerusalem's streets last night - had to crawl through the hilly roads and clear an Israeli checkpoint to get to Bethlehem. At times, the motorcade was barely moving - not the speed preferred by the lead-footed Secret Service," stated the report..

The President arrived safely at Ben-Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv for a "departure ceremony." He boarded a plane and headed to Jordan earlier today, though he was an hour late due to the helicopter issue.