The newest trailer for the upcoming film Elysium was released Thursday.

This new trailer, clocking in at just over three minutes, shows a more fun side to the action film. It opens with a bald Matt Damon getting belligerent with a customer service dummy. The trailer goes onto highlight some of the more action-oriented scenes of the upcoming movie, albeit in flashes with minimal dialogue.

The balance of length and revelation could perhaps be considered a compromise for the film's director Neill Blomkamp.

"I try to show as little as I can," Blomkamp said at a presentation in April; there, journalists were shown a ten-minute clip of the movie.

"The thing is, if you're a responsible, functioning filmmaker in the 21st century, you can't spend a hundred million dollars and then try to behave as though you're going to keep [the movie] wrapped under a blanket. I realize that you have to get it out there."

Blomkamp described the film as "a science-fiction take on the haves and have-nots and the separation of wealth," and his protagonist, Max DaCosta (Damon) is one of the latter, tasked with breaking into the titular space station of the elites.

Blomkamp said that he was conscious of the political message of his film, and that it is always important to him, but suggested it was not specifically responding to the rise of the Occupy movement of late 2011.The film was shot that fall.

"It was the first time that I realized that I was making a film that, in terms of the global consciousness, fit into a CNN sound bite," he said.

"That upset me a little bit. But they both come from the same place, I just don't want [the coverage] to be fast-food and throwaway."

Still, even with the message, Blomkamp didn't want fans to forget that Elysium is truly, at its core, an action movie.

"It's got a copious amount of robotics and guns, so that's cool," said Blomkamp, laughing.

Elysium is due out in theaters on August 9.

Watch the new Elysium trailer here.