Coconut trees are best known as the trees of life, and they can only be found in subtropical countries in Asia, including the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia. Despite such limited places to grow on, its coconut oil already reached every part of the world -- and everyone loves it.

Among the tree's vital parts, virgin coconut oil is widely used in the fields of beauty and cooking. It is once again proving its miracle amid the coronavirus pandemic, as several scientists are testing its efficacy to cure or prevent the spread of COVID-19.

While the coconut oil's effect to the virus is yet to be proven, it continuously shows off its power in different ways through the years.

What Makes Coconut Oil Special?

Coconut oil in the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia is often used in cooking and baking.

However, the edible liquid extracted from coconut trees contains high levels of saturated fat and vitamins. These alone can make the coconut oil worthy of being a special ingredient in some health and beauty products.

Still not convinced? You might want to hear how these A-list celebrities in Hollywood witnessed its effectiveness!

Coconut Oil Complete Miranda Kerr's Life

    Who would have thought that coconut oil in the Philippines and other parts of Asia can reach Western countries and make magic in Miranda Kerr's life?

    In 2011, the 37-year-old model wrote on her website how much she loves the health product.

    Coconut oil is Kerr's go-to ingredient, which she adds on her salads or green tea every day. Aside from improving the tastes of her foods and drinks, she also revealed that time that she uses it for her skin and hair.

    Indeed, adding coconut oil in her diet as a substitute for other less-healthy oil gave her a fantastic figure and gorgeous hair even after giving birth.

    Coconut Oil Is Also a Supermodel's Choice!

    For a supermodel like Gisele Bundchen, opting for a vegan diet is a must to keep herself healthy and glowing before walking on the runway.

    In every Vogue interview she sat on, she always mentioned how coconut oil became part of her diet. Even during her cheat days, a tablespoon of it is essential!

    If you want to try Bundchen's vegan birthday cake, you may follow the instructions here!

    Behind Gwyneth Paltrow's Younger Looking Skin

    A lot of celebrities use their money to keep their skin and apperance younger looking. But for Gwyneth Paltrow, coconut oil is the best natural ingredient to achieve that without breaking the bank.

    In an interview with Zanna Roberts Rassi, the 47-year-old Academy Awards recipient shared how coconut oil can do the magic -- including getting rid of sunspots. Using a 100 percent natural or organic product is very essential, especially since she always wants to get rid of unregulated chemicals from her skin.

    There are more celebrities in Hollywood who have stood by the power of coconut oil over the years. But with these three testimonies the Kerr, Bundchen and Paltrow shared, the magical ingredient is indeed the best buddy to have every day.

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