When confronted with many charges of sexual assault, Chris Noth may try to put on a brave face, but his wife has had enough. Los Angeles-based Tara Wilson was spotted in her car on Thursday weeping hysterically as she drove nearly 3,000 miles away from her troubled spouse.

The 39-year-old actress was obviously distraught and did not wear her wedding ring as the accusations against Noth continued to grow. As she drove around Hollywood, Wilson was observed sobbing into her hands.

When Noth's wife was able to wipe the tears from her eyes, she went to do errands. The paparazzi, on the other hand, was not far behind. Wilson's gloomy demeanor, despite her shades, was obvious. Her head was down and she was clutching her phone as she dressed in a black oversized jacket with a white t-shirt, blue leggings, and sneakers. On display, her ringless left finger was difficult to miss, as reported by Radar.

Wilson and Noth were married in 2012, but had been dating for for two decades. Keats and Orion were born to the couple when they were just one and a half years old. They're said to be "hanging by a thread," according to reports.

Wilson chose to spend Christmas and New Year's Eve away from Noth as a result of the distressing charges. On December 25, the "Sex and the City" actor was seen alone.

It was the Hollywood Reporter who broke the story initially. He has been accused of sexual assault by two women, both of whom used pseudonyms, in 2004 and 2015. It was reported by one of the ladies that Noth raped her in his LA flat. Following a chance encounter at a New York City bar in 2015, another woman said that the actor had "very forcibly" sexually assaulted her.

Since then, more women have come forward. Noth has vehemently disputed all of the claims leveled at him.

Noth hasn't gone into hiding while his wife has been on the West Coast with their children. Radar recentl revealed that the actor from SATC was spotted drinking alone at his favorite pub looking like nothing is amiss in his life.

"My friend was out on Tuesday night on the Upper East Side and she spotted Chris Noth walking into the restaurant she was eating at. He went straight to the bar. He looked like he had no cares in the world. He was cheerful and happy. He ordered food and martinis. And she did note that no-one bothered him in the bar and that he looked a lot older," an insider revealed to Radar. "She thinks that this is all aging him really quickly. No one acknowledged that he was Chris Noth. He was completely left by himself."