Taylor Lautner, known for playing Jacob in the film franchise Twilight, reflected on the hardships of finding that level of fame at such a young age. Ultimately he revealed that no, it's not worth it. Lautner came to find the fame frustrating and, sometimes, frightening. The talented actor sat down with Today yesterday to discuss the effect that his sky-rocket to fame at the age of 16 had on his life.

One of his chief frustrations came coupled with his inability to lead a normal life. As was pointed out in an article on The Hollywood Reporter, it was years later, when he was finally able to take a trip to the grocery store, that he felt relief.

"It felt like freedom...I went so many years either not leaving my house, or if I did, hat, sunglasses, and just like, scared...It built up something inside of me where, I didn't know it, but I was scared to go out. I'd get super anxious to go out. So I just didn't."

Having your normal life ripped away from you so quickly, as Lautner pointed out, can have a strange affect on your mind.

"In the moment, it got frustrating because you just wanted to live a normal life. But then when that's taken away from you at all, you start to question yourself and start to be like 'oh, do people not care about me anymore?' When it goes away a little bit, you notice it, and that's the dangerous part because that can mess with your mind."

(Photo : (Photo by JB Lacroix/WireImage))

While he is doing better mentally now, he ultimately says that the fame isn't worth it. However, that doesn't mean he is not happy that it happened. "I am happy because of what it's taught me. It's made me who I am right now and for that I'm thankful."

We are so happy that Taylor Lautner has been able to find a sense of normalcy in his life.