Madonna's nipple disappointed many Internet users who think she is "desperate for attention" and is too old to be showing her breasts.

A YouTube video of the singer flashing her breast at a concert in Istanbul, Turkey surfaced over the weekend and has gone viral with nearly half a million views as of Monday.

It shows the singer performing her hit song "Human Nature" as she starts to strip down to a black lace bra, pulls her bra down and shows her right breast.

Although the crowd at the concert seemed to have gone crazy about the nipple (as heard in the video), many Internet users agreed it was no longer sexy for the 53-year-old pop icon.

"Why is Madonna still showing off her tits? No, it's not sexy to see a woman who could be my grandma whipping her nipple around," one Internet user commented on the Huffington Post board.

"Hey Madge, thanks, but I saw it the first time, when it was less than a half century old," another user wrote on Twitter, referring to the nipple.

Other users seemed bothered about the fact that she is also a mom.

"If she were my mother...I'd be cringing," a community moderator of the Huffington Post board said.

"Some moms are more embarrassing than others," another user wrote on the HP board.

Other users on Twitter were apparently fascinated by Madonna's breast with one user saying her nipple "turned me straight."

"Madonna's nipple is flawless. I'm obsessed with it," wrote a Twitter user who posted a picture of the nipple.

Others simply joked about it or offered the pop star some advice.

"I just had the worst nightmare that Madonna's nipple was chasing me through a dark alley, " a Twitter user wrote.

"If she wanted attention from it she'd have put some ice on them first, that always makes your nips look perky & lovely," another said.

Watch Madonna's Nipple Act in Istambul Below at 3:00 mark: