Speculation is still going strong after the Mad Men mid-season finale, Waterloo, with audiences wondering what will happen to Don Draper (Jon Hamm), Peggy Olson (Elisabeth Moss), and other fan-favorites.

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In an interview on June 5 with the Los Angeles Times, actress Jessica Pare (Lost and Delirious, Hot Tub Time Machine) sat down with reporter Glenn Whippany in discussing where the show is going in the last few episodes.

When asked how far in advance she was informed of her character's story arc, Pare replied that she wasn't told "anything."

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"I don't want to know..." Pare added, "One of the great strengths of the show is how much is unsaid between the characters... how much is between the lines."

Creator Matthew Weiner has recently been in the process of writing the show's final episodes and Pare notes that the experience on set this season has felt very different. They can feel the end approaching in a way that they had not been so keenly aware of before.

"It's been a rollercoaster," she joked, adding quite somberly that "everything feels like the last time" and that the process has felt like "a very long goodbye."

"It's just the greatest experience..." said Pare in discussing production. "These people have become my good friends and family."

Pare has played Don Draper's second wife Megan for the last four years of the show. Don married Megan after divorcing his first wife Betty (January Jones), with whom he had two children.

The second half of Mad Men's final season will air on AMC in January 2015.