The most recent Muppets movie, The Muppets Most Wanted, is being released on DVD and so on later this month, and to celebrate, and promote, the occasion, Disney has launched an online series.

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On Friday, Variety reported on the details of this new Muppets adventure.

The series, which is called Disney Drive-On with the Muppets, released its first episode on August 1, and one will be released every Friday until all six episodes are out. The series involves the Muppets hanging out with celebrities on the Disney studio lot in Burbank, so it is very much in keeping with the faux behind-the-scenes show business vibe that the Muppets have had for many years.

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More specifically, the series features Pepe the King Prawn and Walter, two of the most recent Muppets, Walter was introduced in the first of the recent reboot movies after all, and so perhaps this series is, in part, designed to try and flesh these two characters out in a way that, say, Kermit doesn't need.

The release of The Muppets in 2011, which was their first movie since 1999, helped to reintroduce these characters to a new audience, and to help bring the characters back to the forefront of pop culture. This web series provides fans of these not quite mops, not quite puppets with some new material to tide them over and to remind them to shell out for The Muppets Most Wanted when it hits the stores August 12.