It looks like there might be hope for R&B stars Rihanna and Drake after all.

Did Rihanna & Drake's Relationship Strike A Resemblance To Chris Brown?

After it was reported that the two ended their relationship a while ago, TMZ posted a video of Drake performing at a concert with Lil Wayne where Rihanna made an appearance in the audience. The site mentioned that the "Diamonds" star was in the front center during the show where she looked to be enjoying herself- a lot.

She can be seen moving her hand around and singing along while Drake was on stage. But this is apparently not how the night ended. Rumor has it that the two went to after parties and they may have spent some time together on Monday night as well. This leaves a lot of speculation on the possibility of the two getting back together or at least considering it.

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This might also cause a stir for Rihanna's other ex Chris Brown ever since a report from Mirror said that he could still be in love with her. He apparently made an appearance during one of her concerts with Eminem for the Monster tour.

"Chris turned up to the second show and watched it from the crowd, but he made his way backstage after the gig was finished to be closer to Rihanna," a source said. "He was making a huge effort to see her and be seen with her again."

The source also said that Brown has been texting the "We Found Love" singer a lot ever since he got out of prison, and "believes that they're meant to be together."