On the third episode of Love and Hip Hop Hollywood, audiences watched Fizz and Moniece try to get on the same page to co-parent their adorable son, Kamron. Before Fizz, who's real name is Dreux, started dating his new girlfriend Amanda, Moniece said that things were better for her financially and that baby Kamron stayed with her most of the time.

But at one point, Moniece and Fizz were very into each other. So, what happened to the bond that brought their son into this world? Our Enstars Exclusives team asked Moniece to break down the journey of their relationship, and from her point of view, Fizz is not the "Dad of the year" that he is portrayed to be on their VH1 show.

ICYMI: In Part 1 of our Exclusive Interview with Moniece, 'Fizz Has No Story Without Me'

GP: So, you guys have a son together and there must have been some type of love there, between the two of you, before the show. Talk to me about how you and Fizz met. Was it in the B2K days, because you both were in the industry?

MS: We met because I was in a girl group and one of my group members was, at the time, dating O'Ryan--Omarion's younger brother. Our groups were always hanging out together but I wasn't into boys. I was a very late bloomer... I knew they were a big deal, but I wasn't really impressed. Then, we met again when I was 21...

GP: And then you guys started dating and... You got pregnant?

MS: (Laughs) Yea, we became like Siamese twins. We were joined at the hip. Where there was one, there was the other. It was that way for the first nine months of the relationship. Then, nine months in, I got pregnant. We broke up a week before I found out I was pregnant.

GP: Oh, wow. Was he supportive or did everything go downhill from there? Because, we all see you guys on the show and there is this riff between you all that is so apparent. You have this adorable son together... But, what happened that you all can barely be in the same room?

MS: This is what I need everyone to know. I'm able to be in the same room. I don't have any issues because ultimately it was me, at the end of the day, that left the relationship for good. I'm at peace with my decision because I gave 100% in the relationship. We are talking about a man who I gave my last $20... Last, last!

During my pregnancy, he then turned around, left me in the house, no car, no groceries, no nothing-- Pregnant, about to pop... It was a big deal... And I'm like, "Really? Is this real life right now?" I said, "I gave you my last $20, I could've used it." And he used it to go bail, or like, pick up J. Boog from jail or something like that. It was crazy...

I wasn't even going to go there, like I had no intentions of coming on the show and bashing him... But, when I see the things that he is saying, I kind of have to come to my own defense. In my defense, he was not supportive during the pregnancy, he didn't want to buy prenatal vitamins. He kept telling me to ask my parents to buy them.

He wasn't at every doctor's appointment... So, he was just not supportive. That's the sh*t I had to deal with.

GP: So basically, it sounds like everything went wrong after you all decided to have the baby.

MS: Things went wrong before that.

GP: It's hard for us to watch, because when you think of families, we all want the best for your son... So I was just wondering what happened. It seemed like a lot disrespect and miscommunication.

MS: The disrespect is really what drove me away. Due to the fact that he's so insecure, that's where the disrespect stems from.

GP: Ok, so this has gotten so deep and so heavy! I didn't know it was going to get here. Wow!

MS: People want the reality of the situation, that's where we really are.

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GP: Why did he file a restraining order against you? Can you talk about what happened?

MS: He came to my house and threatened to take my son, and never bring him home because at that time, he had already filed for custody. I hadn't responded through my attorney yet because if I had responded, he would've had no parental rights. I knew he couldn't pass a drug test. At that time, my support system was stronger. My parents were responsible for both Kamron and myself...

So I didn't respond and he came to the house on my day to pick up my son, because his [Fizz] dad decided that he wanted to be a part of his sons' life all of the sudden. His father wanted to meet Kamron. I vowed that my son would know all of his family so I said, "Sure, come get him. You just have to bring him back early." He wanted to keep him for the entire weekend, and I said, "No."

Then he said, "Well, if I really wanted to, I could take him and never bring him back because you didn't respond." So, I then grabbed the car seat and I said, "Ok, that's fine." I attempted to make it to his car. The empty car seat was the nearest thing I could see that I could f*@k his sh*t up with, and he tackled me before I even made it to the car.

He called the police and when the police got there, I was like bloodied. Like ridiculous... My arm was swollen, my knee was dislocated, my feet were cut up, my glasses were broken, I had a cement burn on my right shoulder and he was completely unscathed. His car wasn't touched and they were actually going to take him to jail.

I got upset because they were trying to figure out who the primary aggressor was... It was just the most, so they called the supervisor and she came out and said, "Do you need attention for your medical injuries?"

I said, "I need you to make a f*@king decision, who's going to jail, me or him?" So they took me, and I was in jail overnight. The D.A. dropped the case because they took pictures of me and of his car and I was the only one f*cked up. He was granted a temporary restraining order, but then when it was time to go to court he didn't show up-He phoned in... His attorney would show up and he wouldn't show up... So finally, he phoned in and the judge was like, "I am granting temporary full physical custody to the mother and your motion for a permanent restraining order is denied. She's been here every court date with your child in-hand."

GP: Wow, that's insane. I hope for your sake, and for Kamron's sake, that you all can work something out. Do you think you all will ever be friends?

MS: I hope so. I hope that we can be amicable. I hope so. That's up to him moving forward, I've done my part. The situation has been so traumatic that I'm still in therapy, I'm not ashamed to admit it. Some weeks I double up just to stay sane because if I don't, the amount of disrespect, and the emotional and verbal abuse that I endured would drive me crazy. So the fact that he's still walking on two legs is incredible. If I wasn't in therapy, it's no telling where either one of us would be.

Follow Moniece on Twitter at @KalisWorld. Plus, catch her on the new episode of Love and Hip Hop Hollywood, on Monday nights at 8/7c on VH1.

If you missed last night's episode, watch here.