According to new studies, women are more attracitve to men if they lift weights, and celebrity Cameron Diaz says she is living proof of that.

Cameron Diaz No Makeup PHOTO & Heidi Klum Bare-Faced Selfie on Instagram

Daily Mail reported on Sunday, that weightlifting is more commonly associated with brawny men but a new breed of female gym goers are making fitness fashionable. And according to a new survey, men find women who lift weights more attractive.

The research revealed that 63 percent of men said they'd rather date a girl that weightlifts than one that heads straight to the treadmill. 74 percent of men polled say watching a girl using the squat bench in the gym is their favorite spectator exercise.

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Cameron Diaz is living proof that men actually do think that apparently since men flock to her movies?

Fitness fanatic Cameron Diaz, was named the most desirable celebrity weightlifter.

The 42-year-old Hollywood star, who was also recently voted the best slim figure by Women's Health, and who is a renowned weightlifter, beat the likes of Mel B, Madonna and Fergie to the top spot.

In addition, over half of the women polled said they now train like a man - and with the men - with free weights and bars.

It was also revealed that 75 percent of women who use weightlifting as part of their fitness regime get their inspiration, confidence and techniques from social media app, Instagram, searching for hashtags such as #liftingladies, #fitfam and #squats.

Diaz wrote The Body Book that promotes female weightlifting. Of course, not everyone can have a personal trainer like Diaz, so watch the video below to go through an exercise with her trainer one-on-one.