Ann Curry landed an interview with Libya's President Mohamed Magariaf on the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi earlier this month. The Lybian official told Curry the event was an "act of terrorism against American citizens," perpetrated by Al Qaeda elements hiding in Lybia.

Matt Lauer introduced Curry's high-profile interview Wednesday on the "Today" show. Lybia's President downplayed claims that the attack on the U.S. Consulate was in response to a movie produced in California and available on YouTube. He noted that the assault happened on Sept. 11 and that the video had been available for months before that.

"Number one is choosing the date, 11th of September, has all the significance. If we take the facts about-- the way it was executed, we can see-- that there is enough proof that it is a preplanned act of terrorism," Magariaf told Curry.

"Do you think the movie had anything to do with this attack on the consulate?" Curry asked.

"Not on this attack-- not on this attack. It has nothing to do with this attack," Magariaf replied.

Libya's President confirmed that RPGs and about five mortars were used in the initial attack, operated by "someone with experience and who knew what he was doing."

But he said so far there is no evidence that it was Al Qaeda in Libya but his government had "some facts."

"It's better not to interfere with the investigation," he said.

The attack killed four Americans including the U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens.

Watch the Interview Below:

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