If you're spending eight hours or more at a desk each day it can easily to fall into a sedentary lifestyle. Try these moves at work to help keep your core strong.

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1. Leg Lifts

Leg lifts work the deep abdominal muscles, hip flexors and quadriceps, all while continuing business as usual. Sit tall in your seat as you contract your abs and lift one foot off the floor. Hold this for 10 seconds and then repeat with the opposite leg. Alternate each leg for your chosen amount of reps and sets.

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2. Chair Crunches

As you're sitting in your office chair, put your legs together and slowly bring them up to your chest in a ball shape. This will work your abs as you stay in your seat. Hold onto the arms for support if needed.

3. Seated Bike 

You don't need a spinning bike to get some bicycle work done during the day. Simply sit on the edge of your chair. Use the armrests for suppot and pretend you're riding a bicycle as your bring reach knee toward your chest as you contract your abdominal muscles.

4. Russian Twists

These don't have to be done on the floor. Sit on top of your desk with your knees over the edge and lean back at a 45-degree andle. Rotate your torse and touch each side of your desk. Twist left to right as you do this.