Bungie's online shooter Destiny is a visually stunning games at times, regardless of any criticisms you may want to make about its story or gameplay content. It has some of the best vistas, backgrounds and skyboxes in any game, and a new video has captured some of that digital beauty.

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Reddit user Orangpelupa has created a fantastic Destiny time lapse video to show off the Earth's Cosmodrome changing day and night cycles. The game moves through these at a certain pace as you play (I'm personally unsure what the timing the in-game cycle is set to), and seeing a moving time lapse between day and night is very impressive.

You can watch the video below, which Orangpelupa says was created by compiling 2,135 screenshots. It includes various views of the Cosmodrome's landscape from different areas of the map, as well as shots from The Tower. The images of The Traveler in particular are pretty cool, the giant orb watching over the city below through day and night.

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The video is also set to some very fitting piano music, which helps enhance the impact. A look through the comments informs me that this is "Law of the Jungle", a song from Destiny's trailer. Orangpelupa is looking for more suggestions of locations for Destiny's other planets, so similar videos may be on the way in the future.