Outlander is looking to the future, and that future could include more seasons than books in Diana Gabaldon's series.

'Outlander' Season 2: EP Ron Moore To 'Scare Fans', You Will 'Lose Your Mind'

The Starz series knocked off book 1 in 16 episodes and Dragonfly in Amber will wrap in only 13. That doesn't mean, however, that book 3, Voyager, can be told within those tight constraints.

Outlander has yet to receive a season 3 order, but showrunner Ron Moore is already contemplating the possibility of splitting Voyager into two seasons.

'Outlander' Season 2: No Midseason Break? Ron Moore Teases New Schedule

"We've talked about it, but no decisions have been made. I haven't really focused on that yet," Moore informed Three If By Space. "We've always talked about generally doing a book a season, but these are books that are just big and complicated, but once you do that, ok, are we ever going to get to the end? You start thinking about how many years we're talking about, I don't know. I really don't know the answer to that."

Do you think Voyager would benefit from a second season, or should Moore attempt to condense the story? Sound off in the poll below.

Catch Outlander when it returns to Starz in 2016.