Kailyn Lowry and Jo Rivera are at odds on next week's episode of Teen Mom 2 after he fails to get Isaac to his final soccer game of the season.

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In a sneak peek at the upcoming episode, Lowry and her husband, Javi Marroquin, are seen waiting for their son to join his teammate, but unfortunately, the 6-year-old misses the game entirely.

"Is Jo here yet? He's not even here," Lowry tells Marroquin in the sneak peek after they arrives to the event.

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"Hey, where are you? What? Why are you home? No! It's at 5:30," Lowry is heard telling Rivera on the phone as the scene continues. "Ok, well, just get over here. You have to come over here. It's going to be over."

"Are you kidding me?" Marroquin, who coaches Isaac's soccer team, asks after learning Rivera got the time of the game mixed up.

"I wish Isaac was here already, he's going to miss this whole thing," Lowry says just before the game wraps.

"Hey, it's over, so just meet me in the parking lot and I'll get him from you," Lowry tells Rivera during a second phone call."

For more Kailyn Lowry, tune into Teen Mom 2 season six on Thursday nights at 10 p.m. on MTV, and for the full sneak peek of next week's show, check out the clip below.