Asking producer Dana Brunetti about the plot of season 4 of House of Cards is akin to making a death wish.

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In a recent interview with the Sydney Morning Herald, Brunetti was asked about what lies ahead in season 4, and the producer was threateningly tight-lipped. "If I told you, I'd have to kill you," he said.

Brunetti did talk about the format of the show and how they approached it, particularly the idea of releasing entire seasons in one go.

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"It's a great way and it works for our show; it may not work for every show, but it's the way we've always approached it, and that's why we call our shows chapters, as opposed to episodes, because the way we look at it is like books," he said. "If you have a book and you sit down and you read it, you can read one, two or three chapters, or you can finish a whole book in one sitting."

Additionally he added that they were in a way giving the viewer the freedom to watch the series as they pleased.

"Who are we to tell you how you should consume it and how you should take it in? If you're into it and enjoying it and want to continue, keep going. If you want to watch it one chapter at a time, or read a book one chapter at a time once a week or however then that's your prerogative," he added.

Season 4 will release in 2016.