Last week, the Top 10 on The Voice became the Top 9, leaving only Team Adam and Team Blake still fully intact while Team Gwen lost one member and Team Pharrell is holding on with a single contestant.

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In case you missed it, Team Adam still has Shelby Brown, Jordan Smith and Amy Vachal while Team Blake is still standing strong with Barrett Baber, Emily Ann Roberts and Zach Seabaugh.

Meanwhile, Team Gwen is down to Jeffery Austin and Braiden Sunshine and Team Pharrell's Madi Davis is still hanging on in the competition.

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Each week, when contestants are let go, the remaining contestants get to share a bit more about themselves and what the competition is like. The Voice YouTube channel released two videos on Sunday, in which the remaining contestants dish on what happens with the song choices they make for the competition as well as their hidden talents and geeky facts about themselves.

In the first video, which is below, Brown, Smith, Vachal and Davis reveal the process of selecting songs.

"Song selection can be quite a challenge," Vachal revealed, which Davis added to by calling it "stressful."

"It's a long but rewarding process," Brown summed up.

Contestants each have their own process when it comes to tackling their next song choice. Smith, for instance, likes to listen to the song and review the lyrics so he can "pull out" his favorite parts before researching the original artists in regards to each song.

Then in the second video, Baber, Roberts, Seabaugh, Austin and Sunshine reveal some interesting facts about themselves.

"I can change a diaper in probably 30 seconds," Baber proudly declared, before demonstrating on "Billy the Butternut Squash Baby".

Meanwhile, Sunshine is a big, self-proclaimed "car nerd," and Seabaugh listens to Broadway music before his performances on the show.

"So I'm getting ready to sing a country song and I'm actually listening to a Broadway soundtrack," he divulged.

Seabaugh and Baber's female teammate, Roberts, declared, "I'm kind of a nerd," since she loves school and books.

Lastly, Austin was once a standup comedian.

"I always loved making people laugh," he said.

Other funny facts were shared too--check out the video above for all the details about these contestants!

The Voice airs on NBC Mondays and Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET.