Regina (Lana Parrilla) may not have been featured as much in the first half of Once Upon a Time's current fifth season, but fans should expect more of her in 2016.

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With her wicked sister Zelena (Rebecca Mader) back in the land of Oz, Regina will have greater opportunity to bond with Robin Hood (Sean Maguire). Their relationship will be explored in greater depth in the second half of season 5.

Once Upon a Time co-creators Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz spoke with Entertainment Tonight this week about their plans for Regina, Robin and the second half of the season.

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"In the second half, we're going to definitely see way more Regina. There is going to be a lot of Regina, in fact," Kitsis confirmed. "There's going to be more with her and Robin Hood, and we have not seen the last of Zelena, so I think all of those stories are going to continue to play out over the second half."

The goal of season 5B is to get back the feeling of season 1, despite our heroes having to plumb the depths of the underworld.

"I think there's a lot of unfinished business and the need for emotional closure with people who have passed in the lives of our heroes, and this second half is really going to get to honor that," Kitsis said. "The 100th episode is the spring premiere and we've been on for five years and for us in this second half our real goal was to have a very season one vibe and I think that will be apparent after people see the premiere in spring."

Once Upon a Time returns for the second half of season 5 on Sunday, March 6 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on ABC.

Watch a brief promo for the second half of the season below: