Chronic bad breath is no joke. It can cause discomfort while you are talking to someone close to your face. There are millions of people suffer from halitosis or bad breath. The problem is often linked to smoking and not brushing your teeth properly or in a regular basis. What people don't know that their problem is actually triggered by a little known but surprisingly common condition - tonsil stones.

Have you tried to coughed up a tiny, hard white or yellow lump in the back of your throat that smells horrible? Those are Tonsil stones or tonsillitis, they form when dead cells, bacteria, food particles, and other debris collect in the deep pockets of your tonsils, then harden into a calcified mass. This tiny particle can cause discomfort, sore throats, tonsillitis, and unpleasant odor (bad breath).

To familiarize more about this thing called 'Tonsil Stones', you should watch the video below. They will also show how to remove that thing and how to ease the pain.