Samaritan's number is up.

The Person of Interest series finale is just around the corner, and "Return 0" represent's Finch's (Michael Emerson) last chance to end the rouge AI once and for all. After the events of "The Day the World Went Away," Team Machine is ready to go on the offensive.

"Finch, Reese, Fusco and Shaw embark on one last mission to prevent Samaritan from destroying The Machine and cementing its hold over mankind," CBS teased.

Starting in Tuesday's "Synecdoche," Finch will be the one leading the charge. Following Root's (Amy Acker) death, the software guru will go lone wolf as he attempts to break into a secure facility to take down Samaritan before his enemy has a chance to put another of his friends in the ground.

"We want to see that Finch unleashed. We have to give that character license to and why and what does it mean?" executive producer Greg Plageman told IGN. "He's carried this tremendous baggage. The loss of so many people close to him - Nathan Ingram, pushing away Grace.... Everyone close to him who's lost someone, it becomes a tipping point in the 100th episode. And to see that turn -- Michael Emerson is thrilling."

By time the finale rolls around, however, it looks as if Reese (Jim Caviezel), Fusco (Kevin Chapman), and Shaw (Sarah Shahi) will be able to watch his six. While the season 5 premiere gave fans a grim look at the team's future, but episode 13 will actually take viewers back in time. Expect to see a young Reese (played by Jack Davis) and his mother (Amy Tribbey).

Above all, brace yourself for carnage. As per executive producer Jonathan Nolan, the finale season doesn't "tie things much as blow things up."

Find out more when Person of Interest airs Mondays and Tuesdays at 10 p.m. ET on CBS. Click the video below to see a preview for the series' next episode.