Someone else has come forward to defend a convicted rapist.

In a letter obtained from Los Angeles Times earlier this week, Lydia Pocisk-- who dated Stanford swimmer Brock Turner in high school-- opened up on how sorry she feels for him after he was sentenced to six months in jail for sexual assault.

Turner's been making headlines ever since a judge sentenced him to a short amount of time causing outrage from the public. While Turner's family has been defensive of the student, his ex-girlfriend has joined that crowd.

Pocisk had only good things to say about Turner, describing him as someone who was motivated.

"He was determined to be the best he could be in all he did," she wrote. "I say this with 100% confidence because I remember a conversation with him a few years back. I asked why he had gotten so good at everything he did, and his answer surprised me. He simply said, 'It's not as fun to not be successful or not work hard.'"

The two apparently knew each other since middle school and Pocisk made it clear that she doesn't support her ex going to jail over his actions.

"You would think a close friendship of 8 years could predict something like this happening, but the type of person Brock is could never deserve this or do anything he has been convicted of in a thousand lives," the letter says. "I have never been so angry with God in all my life, for instilling such pain on such an undeserving soul."

The incident with Turner took place in January 2015 when he allegedly raped a young woman behind a dumpster while she was unconscious.

The victim, herself, wrote a letter on the horrific aftermath she had to face. See it here.

Tags: Brock Turner