Big Brother 15 aired its 30th episode Wednesday night, featuring the Power of Veto competition and the Veto ceremony.

Head of Household: GinaMarie Zimmerman

Nominees: Amanda Zuckerman & McCrae Olson

Other houseguests: Andy Herren, Elissa Slater, Judd Daugherty and Spencer Clawson.

The episode began in the aftermath of GinaMarie nominating Amanda and McCrae for eviction. Both Amanda and McCrae were completely blindsided by being nominated and expressed their confusion.

After getting over the initial shock, Amanda stormed up to GinaMarie's HOH room to confront her. She started screaming at GinaMarie that the move didn't make sense and that GinaMarie has the whole house against her now. GinaMarie calmly explained to Amanda that she wanted to split up the only remaining duo in the house.

Amanda told GinaMarie that she just wanted to come home after everything. She isolated herself in a room with McCrae and started crying and said that she wanted to go home.

The houseguests picked players for the Veto competition. GinaMarie, Amanda and McCrae were automatically selected to play while Andy, Elissa and Spencer were randomly selected.

Elissa told Judd that she was suspicious of Andy, thinking that Andy was working both sides of the house. Judd immediately told Andy after this, which shocked Andy. Andy reassured his Exterminators alliance (GinaMarie, Judd and Spencer) that he was solidly with them no matter what.

The houseguests then participated in the Veto competition. The competition involved houseguests dueling each other in a mix of spinning and bowling. The houseguests were eliminated one by one until only Amanda and McCrae were left. McCrae managed to win the competition, meaning he was able to take either himself or Amanda off the block.

After the competition, Amanda and McCrae consoled each other. Amanda came to the conclusion that her Big Brother experience was over. Meanwhile, GinaMarie said that she had to put up one of her alliance members since Elissa didn't nominate her last week.

At the Veto ceremony, McCrae predictably took himself off the block. GinaMarie nominated Spencer in his place. This means that either Amanda or Spencer will be evicted from the Big Brother house on Thursday's live episode.

The next episode of Big Brother 15 will air Thursday at 9 p.m. on CBS, featuring the eviction, plus a surprise second eviction and the next Head of Household competition.

Watch Wednesday night's episode in full here.