Photos recently surfaced showing the most anticipated scene to take place in season 3 of Revenge: Emily Thorne's wedding to Daniel Grayson.

What fans already know is that the bride, played by Emily VanCamp, will be shot in the chest more than once on her wedding day. The season's premiere episode featured a flashforward to the wedding, which will take place in an episode titled Exodus. Factors that remain to be determined is who shot Emily, why and if she will survive the gunshots.

Photos taken during filming of Emily's wedding, shown here, reveal that her best friend Nolan Ross (Gabriel Mann) will give her away at the ceremony.

Revenge costume designer Jill Ohannesson said finding the right dress finding the right dess for Emily to wear was not easy.

"I actually designed the dress because they came to me and basically said, 'Here's what we need this dress to do, Jill. We need for her to be able to fall off the boat and when she falls we want to dress to flow out,'" she told E! News. "And they wanted to be able to hide something underneath the skirt of the dress. And we needed four of them initially. I was like, great, how am I going to afford four dresses that I can get right now that's going to be able to do all of those things."

In the end, Ohannesson said a "unanimous decision" got Emily the dress she wears in the upcoming episode.

In the Nov. 3 episode of Revenge, titled Dissolution, another roadblock awaits Emily when she gets shocked by an announcement that threatens to derail her plot against the Graysons. Last week's episode included Emily's monologue all about how she was losing control of her master plan. With Conrad Grayson's news that the family's Hamptons estate was recently sold to the highest bidder, Emily is running out of time if she wants to get back at the family she is marrying into.

Watch a sneek peek of Dissolution below.

Revenge airs Sunday at 9 p.m. on ABC.