While most people dream of living out a rags-to-riches story in their lifetime, very few ever imagine a truly different scenario-going from the riches down to the rags.

Yet, some celebrities over the years have found themselves either filing for bankruptcy, being sued for tax fraud, or just find themselves with less money than they believed they had. Whether the money disappeared because their careers fizzled out, their own spending habits and behaviors emptied their wallets, or their money was badly mismanaged by others, these celebrities have found themselves no longer looking at massive fortunes, and have instead been forced to scale down on the lives they've grown accustomed to.

Enstars compiled a list of 10 celebrities who have sadly found themselves down this road in the past. The first on the list is Allen Iverson.

Iverson, an 11-time NBA Allstar who was named Rookie of the Year in 1996, amassed a $154 million net worth throughout his career. However, by the time he announced his official retirement in Nov. 2013, he was officially broke. Some of his debts have included $1.2M in back-owed child support for his five kids with his ex-wife Tawanna, as well as an $860,000 debt he owed to a Georgia Jeweler.

Another celebrity who has experienced financial woes is Toni Braxton. Braxton, who reportedly generated $170 million in album sales through the height of her career in the 90s, claimed while appearing on 20/20 in 2012 that she only saw $1,972 of that money, which forced her to file for bankruptcy the first time in 1998. She claimed bankruptcy again in 2010 after cancelling her Las Vegas show Toni Braxton: Revealed due to a lupus diagnosis. Her woes have apparently not improved, as she was forced to settle a $150,000 debt last year, and lost the copyright to 27 of her hit songs.

Scroll through the gallery to see other celebs who have seen their fortunes dwindle away.