The Carters have been getting lots of heat since their Drunk In Love Grammy Award performance Sunday and one reporter says Jay Z is the one to blame. 

Naomi Schaefer Riley of the New York Post wrote an extremely candid article shortly after the show on how she feels about the talked about performance and said the couple bared a little too much. 

Riley wrote, "What do you a call a man who stands there smiling and singing as his scantily clad wife straddles a chair and shakes her rear end for other's men's titillation? I'm certain if I look through enough Jay Z song titles, I'll come up with the right name...Well, how about poor excuse for a husband."

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Riley states that memorable performances like Miley Cyrus and Robin Thicke's "Blurred Lines" at the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards, and even a few of Madonna's antics are no more innocent than Bey and Jay's. The difference she points out is that Cyrus and Madonna did not have their husbands or partners on stage with them smiling in approval.

Riley also refers to Charlotte Hays, author of When Did White Trash Become the New Normal, who had a few choice words to say about the performance as well. 

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"It wasn't surprising to see Jay Z, looking pleased at his wife's hyper-sexualized exhibition on stage. He's made a living singing lyrics that call women 'hos', so we shouldn't be surprised that he objectified his own wife on stage," Hays said "...So much for the woman that Michelle Obama has called 'a role model who kids everywhere can look up to.'"

Riley added that Beyonce's sexy performance was "surprising" considering she recently wrote a report and claimed that "gender equality is a myth."