It appears that the season finale of The Walking Dead will feature a new twist on what Terminus is as well as the groups possibly finding each other.

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On Thursday, MTV posted a brief interview with actor Josh McDermitt, who plays rocket scientist Eugene, dishing on Terminus and how it actually may be the place that it claims to be. Whatever it is, McDermitt believes that fans will hopefully be satisfied.

"I think people are going to be really happy with how it turns out," the actor said. "This group just lost the prison. They're on railroad tracks, they're in the woods, they're on the roads. They're just trying to find each other. Hopefully, Terminus becomes this thing where everyone can regroup and rebuild their lives. We know Rick and Michonne and Carl are on their way there. Are we going to meet them there? What's going to happen? I don't know."

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McDermitt then dished on his character as well as Abraham's, and how they connect. The actpr noted that these characters bring something new to the show that fans can appreciate.

"These characters bring a different element to the show that we've never seen before," McDermitt said. "Eugene brings a bit of hope. He says he knows how to stop this thing. And Abraham, he takes joy out of killing walkers, which almost brings a humorous element to it. He's a larger than life character, so it's fun to watch someone who enjoys his work."

The season finale of The Walking Dead is set to air Sunday March 30 at 9 p.m. ET on AMC.