Graduating from college will be one of the best moments of your life, however, Enstars wants to give you a few heads up about life after.  At this moment, we recommend you take a moment to breathe.

1) Naps really aren't apart of everyday life.

In college, you get to nap in between classes, before parties on the weekend and pretty much anytime you feel like it. After college, you are lucky to schedule in a power-nap at work (Especially, if you do not work in a cubicle).

"Yea, see you at our 3 o'clock..." **Sleeps**

2) Being an adult is just... not as fun.

Remember when you were a little kid, and you wished you were an adult so you could do anything you wanted? Now, you can. But, you have to find time to work, commute, pay bills and do all of the grown up things you equated with "freedom." Yaaaay for you.

3) You will have to get up at the same time... everyday.

When you get a job, you have to actually show up on time. If you did not have classes on Friday, this may be the biggest struggle of your transition. (Tip: Find a Starbucks near your job)

**Every morning.**

4) Sallie Mae is the real life B6-13.

Ok, not really. But, you have six months before they become the bane of your existence. See hilarious example below.

5) You actually have to be responsible (with your life and your MONEY).

One of the beauties of college is not having to worry about spending money on food (or whatever they served in the dining hall). Now, you will have to budget everything from your lunches to your gas, and if you live in a city, it could be very costly.

6) No more free anything... (including gym access).

Remember how you would use your student ID to get in anywhere on campus. Well, now you have to use a different ID, but this one could cost you $40 per month.

7) You have to schedule time to see your friends.

Once everyone starts to travel, move away, or get into the workforce, people will become busy. The roommate you saw everyday, you may see once a month. And, then once you do see each other, you have to have money to do things—you may run into a situation like this:

8) Searching for a job IS a job.

Unless you are lucky enough to have a position waiting for you after you are handed the most expensive piece of paper you will ever own, you have to get online and make cold calls. MediaBistro, LinkedIn, old professors and alumni are all great places to start.

9) You will very quickly understand why Happy Hour is a gift from God.

After a stressful day at work, you will understand why half-off drinks sounds like a piece of heaven. And on an entry-level salary, a piece of heaven you can afford.

10) You probably should've done that internship.

Though you are not guaranteed to get a job from any place, your chances of gaining mentors and working within that field go up if you put in the work while you are in school. So, if it's not too late, do one now!

11) There is no such thing as Christmas Break.

In what might be the most frightening realization of all, break (while working) is a joke. Your three week Christmas vacation is gone, and will turn into a 2-3 day break, if your office is nice.

12) It's all up to you.

Whether you wake up, go to class, show up to work, and live your life is up to you.  Ultimately, it is your choice to go out and make something of yourself, as scary as that may be.  After college, it's either sink or swim- especially if you do not live at home. (If you do, don't worry because 56% of college grads do, too.)

13) Last but not least, everything will be okay.

While this list is somewhat scary, life after college will teach you everything you need to know in order to fulfill your own personal goals. The journey is never easy, but always worth it. Your life is literally in your hands, and everyday you have the choice to make your dreams a reality. You just have to take a deep breath, and jump.  Everything will be fine as long as you don't give up.

Good luck and congratulations to the class of 2014!