Doctor Who's eighth season officially has a premiere date.

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The new Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi) will land his TARDIS on the BBC and BBC America on Aug. 23 at 8 p.m. ET.

However, this new regeneration will not posses the light hearted, joking demeanor of his predecessor or the incredibly curious nature of Ten (David Tennant). Instead, Capaldi's Time Lord will have a distinct and menacing darkness around his edges.

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While fans have yet to weight in on this change, Clara (Jenna Louise Coleman) will be rather upset by her friend's makeover.

"I don't think I know who the Doctor is anymore," the Coal Hill teacher can be seen whispering in a new promo, her face a mix of fright and concern (see video below).

The Doctor's new 'Rebel Time Lord' groove will spin the entire show in a new direction, one which reflects the nature of Classic Who more than the dynamic of New Who.

"There would be little point in making as radical a change as we've made unless you're going to go quite different with the Doctor," said showrunner Steven Moffat, according to Doctor Who Magazine (via CultBox) "Our vague idea is... the last two Doctors have been brilliant, and have been your 'good boyfriend' Doctors. But the Doctor isn't always like that. There is the sort of Tom Baker, Christopher Eccelston end of the spectrum, where he is mad and dangerous and difficult."

Click the video below to find out more about the Twelfth Doctor and catch his return on Aug. 23.