With the emergence of both Falcon and the Winter Solider as a good guy, it seems like Captain America has a new team of fighters who could help with the next villain for the third movie. But how will the heroes get together and become a team before they fight?

Steve Rogers' Story Will Be Concluded In 'Captain America 3' Says Directors

Falcon actor Anthony Mackie talked to Dark Horizons on Monday about what would happen between the three characters in Captain America 3 and teased at the massive action that would follow the characters getting together.

"Cap and Falcon go looking for Winter Soldier. They find him. They go through this traumatic ordeal of him transforming back into Bucky," Mackie said.

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"Then, once he goes back to Bucky and we get all the craziness out of his head, then we become a three-man duo - he's got a shield, he's got an arm, and he's got wings - and we go out, and we save the world. Cue theme song."

With rumors that Falcon would take over for Cap following the third movie and Chris Evans' departure, Mackie said that if he took over the shield, it would be a different hero than before.

"If I was Cap, it would be more like Batman. Like, 'Why is Cap just whooping people's a--, like all the time?' Brother Cap is a whole different movie. That's when it gets real," Mackie said.

It seems like Evans will leave after the third movie, but it is unclear who will take over for Steve Rogers, whether it will be Winter Soldier or Falcon. The latter took over for Rogers recently in the comics.

Captain America 3 is set to open in theaters on May 6, 2016.