Switched at Birth is currently taking a break for the fall, but when it comes back for new episodes, there's a possibility that a former character might come back with it.

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On Friday, Bustle posted an interview with Cassi Thomson who's known for playing Nikki, the musician who developed a connection with Toby in the first season. The site pointed out that even though the actress isn't part of the show anymore, she still has a relationship with the cast members.

As for the chances of Nikki coming back for a future episode, nothing is in the works right now, but that doesn't mean it'll never happen.

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"I would go back if they called and wanted me," Thomson said.

Thomson isn't the only former cast member who's open to making another appearance; RJ Mitte, who played Campbell on the series, told Celebified that he would love it if his character returned.

"I can only hope," he said. "I loved working on Switched, and Katie [Leclerc's] amazing and that whole team, that whole crew, is such a pleasure to work with."

The plot as to what will happen next on Switched at Birth is pretty much a mystery at this point with not a lot going around on how things will develop after Bay took the fall for Daphne. This leaves some questions on how this will affect these girls and everyone else around them.

Switched at Birth is expected to return in December on ABC Family.