Previously considered one of the top competitors to overtake Jamaican sensation Usain Bolt in the 100 meter dash, it was no surprise that USA superstar sprinter Tyson Gay was very distraught upon his 4th place finish on Sunday. However, even though the star runner came out heartbroken on his quest for a medal, it is reported that he is indeed looking to mend it via searching for Mrs. Right.  

Just shy of 30, it is reported that the star feels as though he is now ready to get hitched, according to a recent interview with Player Wives.

When questioned by the web site, Gay had the following to say regarding a future beau:

"I'm 29 years-old and, sure, I'm looking to find a wife," he said.

When it comes to seeking his other half through a similar sports background, the track & field star made it crystal clear he has tried and is now ruling it out. 

"I've dated athletes before but it's too tough because we have the same job, we deal with the same problems and both do a very selfish sport," he stressed. 

Athough his sport requires long hours of training, the athlete still effectively raises his 12 year-old daughter Trinity, whose mother is Gay's ex-squeeze Shoshana Boyd from when he was just a teen.  The Florida resident also currently watches over his niece Destin.