The recently released preview for the upcoming episode of The Good Wife, shows Alicia (Julianna Margulies) confronting Peter (Chris Noth) about another controversy relating to him that she might have to deal with during campaigning.

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The couple are seated in the car, as an enraged Alicia talks to Peter. "They're going to use this against me and you," she says as she hands him pictures that form the evidence. "And I won't stand beside you," she sternly adds, as Peter looks away.

There is no surety as to what she might be referring to, but it definitely some scandalous subject and might have to with Peter's former intern. The fact that she states she will not stand by him, does though, allude to the fact that this has to do with another sexual liason, as Alicia seems to be referring to his first debacle with the prostitutes.

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The promo also shows the FEDs convincing Cary by informing him about a wire tap which reveals Bishop's intent to murder Cary. Alicia is also seen talking to her opponent for the state's attorney race in the clip, with guest star David Hyde Pierce (Fraiser), who will be playing a celebrated cable news legal commentator.

The next episode of The Good Wife will air on November 19 on CBS.

Watch the preview here: