Revenge's Louise is riding the crazy train all over the Hamptons, and soon there will be another Ellis thrown into the fray.

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It turns out Louise actually has a brother, and unlike her mother, this relative isn't imaginary. Unfortunately, Lyman will be quite real, according to TV Line.

As manipulative as Louise is insane, Lyman will be a smooth talking politician with ulterior motives - a prerequisite for entering the Revenge plotline.

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While viewers await Lyman's arrival, Louise will continue to wreak mayhem on the series' main characters. After nearly killing Margaux (Karine Vanasse) during "Ambush," Louise will get to know Nolan (Gabriel Mann) during "Contact."

New photos for the upcoming episode show a rather frustrated Nolan going over some books before he decides to get a drink with the cunning Louise. Hopefully Emily's (Emily VanCamp) confidant won't be next on Louise's apparent hit list.

Meanwhile, Victoria's future is uncertain now that David and Emily know who each other are. Will her duplicitous nature soon become apparent to David, or will her crimes go unnoticed?

Find out more when Revenge airs Sundays at 10 p.m. ET on ABC. Click the video below to see a preview for the series' next episode, "Contact."