She wanted to keep her favorite patient in the hospital a little bit longer, but Nurse Jackson's actions will have some major consequences on Red Band Society.

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The main nurse at Ocean Park hospital was suspended by Dr. McAndrew (Dave Annable) after he realized she had purposely labeled another patient's blood work as Charlie's (Griffin Gluck) to keep him in the hospital longer, but her currently not working at the hospital will cause some big secrets from her past to be revealed-and she may wind up never returning as a result.

"We learn all about how Nurse Jackson becomes Nurse Jackson, and why she becomes Nurse Jackson," Octavia Spencer says in a preview clip for the Nov. 12 episode, Know Thyself.

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As it turns out, before becoming a nurse, Spencer's character was actually a backup singer, something that will be explored more in depth in the episode.

"We actually get to see her apartment and her life, and what her life is like outside the hospital," Wilson Cruz, who portrays Nurse Kenji, says in the clip. "And we get to be introduced to Nurse Jackson's other talent, that it's not just about the fact that she's a nurse, and that she has a long history that we're not aware of."

And with her absence at the hospital, things aren't easy on her beloved patients-and things will begin descending into chaos for them as well, especially after Jordi (Nolan Sottillo) doesn't react well to Leo (Charlie Rowe) and Emma (Ciara Bravo) embarking on their romance again.

"We kind of leave off where the red band feels like it's crumbling and falling apart because Jordi has this feud with Leo," Zoe Levin (Kara) explains in the clip.

And not only is Nurse Jackson's absence preventing the kids from focusing on their personal dramas, but she isn't there to keep them in line and make sure they're behaving either.

"Nurse Jackson isn't really there to set them straight," Levin says. "Everything's going crazy."

Red Band Society airs Wednesdays at 9 p.m. on FOX.